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Tax Help Payment 


    Payment for services are due upon completion of return. I do try to work with clients in good standing on an individual basis.  Unfortunately, I have decided to require some type of payment in advance from all new clients. I had situations last year where people did not pay my fees at all once they received their refund or took several days to pay fees or only paid part of them when they received the refund. At this time, 15% of the charge will requested.

    Advance payment is due when I send an invoice; typically during the initial stages of the engagement but before filing of the returns. Then the remainder of the charge would be due once refund is received. Invoicing could be earlier and payment could be due earlier for new clients or under other circumstances.

     The invoice is going to be sent by email that can be quickly and securely paid online by following the instructions on the invoice. Western Union, etc can still be used. If you are local, we can meet for payment.Payment may be made from any bank account (using your bank routing number and account number), bank card or credit card for the payment.

     If any situations arise where I have not received filing fees in accordance with the above information I will a) require that the full fees be paid in advance next year if you seek to use my services b) not make my services available to you. c) take legal action. I really don’t like the last one, but it has become necessary in some cases. I’m very easy to work with. Communication is key. However, I can no longer do work and not get paid for it.  

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