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Tax Help

Thank you for choosing me to help you with your tax filings. My goal is to give a stress-free tax filing experience. Clear communication plays an important part in this process. This information is to talk about the terms of my engagement with you and outlines the nature of the services I will provide.


WORK TO BE COMPLETED: Unless otherwise stated as described under the “Special Circumstances” section below, I will complete the following work as part of this engagement.

1. Prepare your federal and state tax returns for the current tax year based on data that you provide or on estimates where actual documentation is not available.

2. A local income tax return or local services tax return will be prepared if applicable and if required.

3. No additional tax return preparation, bookkeeping or accounting procedures not listed here will be performed unless specifically included in the “Special Circumstances” section below or in a separate written agreement.

3. Electronically file the tax return and provide you with evidence of acceptance of the electronic filing, unless paper filing or other arrangements are agreed.

4. Provide an electronic copy of all filings  A paperer copy of the tax return is available on request at a standard fee.

5. Communicate with you directly in person, by telephone, text message and email during the engagement.

6. Retain and securely store copies of records used in the preparation of your income tax return and copes of your income tax return for at least as long as the period required by law.


YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: You are responsible for providing required tax documents and other information that may be requested. We will depend on you to provide the information needed to prepare complete and accurate returns. I may ask you to clarify some items but will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit. Review all tax-return documents carefully before signing them.

I generally require a copy of your personal identification each year to meet the government’s new identity theft prevention requirements. Also, if you plan to pay or receive a tax amount by electronic transaction, then I will need your bank account number and routing number.

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